Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hi...After several wonderful weeks on Flinders Island we returned to Tasmania and were able to put the finishing touches on Cryo-2008. We've embarked on an effort to send copies to everyone we know for free! If you'd like one and don't have one yet, just email me and tell me your ground mailing address. We've burned/given away well over 200 copes so far! We have begun work on our second film, called "The Chronicles of Balarnia" which is about our time at Arni's on Flinders Island. This one will be at the next level of film-making; I'm working on some experimental music/sound-scapes for this one, too, in addition to music I've already done. We are very excited about the film-making thing and many exciting projects are on-line. We are seeking support for our projects...I'm sure the universe will help us out like she always does. But if YOU"D like to help us...just get in touch. Cheers and bye for now...jeff phillips